VPS newbie trying hestiaCP via CPanel import - please help

Create add under the zone for mydomain.com a new record for host.mydomain.com. You don’t need to add an extra Zone.

done, thanks, now admin’s web domain (host.mydomain.com) has a green checkmark in the SSL column

restarted DNS

when I go to http://my.ip.ad.dr it says Success. When I do https://my.ip.ad.dr I (still) get “Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead”

when I go to http://webmail.mydomain.com I get a login screen. When I go to https://webmail.mydomain.com it takes me to http://webmail.mydomain.com (the opposite of forcing SSL!)

when I go to http://mail.mydomain.com I get a login screen. When I go to https://mail.mydomain.com I get “Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead” (PS: after I accepted the risk to proceed, it did the same as for webmail.mydomain.com, it took me to http://mail.mydomain.com! maybe, after dozens of tabs open for weeks, time to re-launch web browser, just to be ‘safe’?)

the main domain’s DNS Zone(?) has an A record for mail.mydomain.com and a CNAME to it for webmail.mydomain.com

listed under the zone for mydomain.com is mail.mydomain.com (then subdomain1.mydomain.com then subdomain2.mydomain.com)

It has a CNAME for webmail.mydomain.com that points to mail.mail.mydomain.com! I was able to edit that. Then I noticed that the reocord below it, “@”, the MX record, ALSO points to mail.mail.mydomain.com!! I edited that, too. (I hope that’s correct; mail.mail.mydomain.com seems like greater nonsense than having mail.mydomain.com point to itself)

restarted bind9 (how come the Restart icon doesn’t do anything; I have to select the line and then “Apply to selected”?)

The above-described goofy web browser Roundcube login screen responses to the 4 URLs is still the same. :frowning:

How can I tell hestia to keep me logged in for longer?

I changed that.

https://demo.hestiacp.com:8083 has webmail as its own A record, not a CNAME to mail, so that’s what I did to mine

this has made no change to the bizarre behavior trying to access Roundcube login screen via https

the demo has no zone for mail.hestia.xyz. should I lose my zone for mail.mydomain.com? Or just stop looking at the demo?

…and then my adding a web domain + dns zone for [web]mail.mydomain.com to try to fix that was a stupid newbie thing to do…

The right thing to do was to login to hestiaCP as (admin, then click on) the user that owns the domain, Mail, Edit Mail Domain, check “Enable SSL for this domain”, Save

Under mail domain there is option to enable SSL for the mail domain enable it and it should work .