WARNING: Looks like the parent servers do not have information for your TLD when asked. This is ok but can be confusing

I add domain using co.id, but not succes, and after i cek in intodns.com there is defferent information that information like this :

WARNING: Looks like the parent servers do not have information for your TLD when asked. This is ok but can be confusing.

before this i add domain using domain.com is CLEAR, FIX AND NORMAL
but after i add another TLP using mydomain.co.id
there is information like this, and site cant be accesed. how to solve this problem ?

It is because you are using .co.id see

Nothing wrong about it

i means that hestia just for .com
i have transfer mysite.co.id to hestia, and still cant be accesed. i have read from Knowhost Community Forum (above link ) but i still confuse. can you give me the technical step to solve my problem ? i do hope for this

is there video guidance to solve this problem… especially for hestiacp …

guidance for what exactly? What have you done? What do you expect to happen?

i cant integrated another domain …like
( mydomain.co.id … mydomain.tech ) and soon to hestiacp

Just domain using TLD .com normal

guidance for another TLD domain, beside .com

All domains are working the same way in hestia. Once again, write exactly what you have done and what you expect to happen. Otherwise we can’t try to help you.

your dns setup for the domain most likely is wrong. can you ping the domain and does it resolve to your IP properly?

thks very much it has been solved

Hello from .web.id :joy:

hello please help me :smiley: