Warnings during Hestia 1.8.11 clean installation

I got this:

[ * ] Configuring PHP dependencies…
[ * ] Installing Rclone…
[ * ] Configuring System IP…
[ * ] Installing remaining software updates…
[ * ] Updating configuration files…
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: ENFORCE_SUBDOMAIN_OWNERSHIP (‘yes’ )
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: DEBUG_MODE (‘false’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: PLUGIN_APP_INSTALLER (‘true’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: POLICY_SYSTEM_ENABLE_BACON (‘false ‘)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: POLICY_SYSTEM_HIDE_SERVICES (‘no’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: POLICY_SYSTEM_PASSWORD_RESET (‘no’ )
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: POLICY_USER_CHANGE_THEME (‘yes’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: POLICY_USER_DELETE_LOGS (‘yes’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: POLICY_USER_EDIT_DETAILS (‘yes’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: POLICY_USER_EDIT_DNS_TEMPLATES (‘y es’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: POLICY_USER_EDIT_WEB_TEMPLATES (‘y es’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: POLICY_USER_VIEW_LOGS (‘yes’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: POLICY_USER_VIEW_SUSPENDED (‘no’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: PHPMYADMIN_KEY (’’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: USE_SERVER_SMTP (‘’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: SERVER_SMTP_PORT (‘’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: SERVER_SMTP_SECURITY (‘’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: SERVER_SMTP_USER (‘’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: SERVER_SMTP_PASSWD (‘’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: SERVER_SMTP_ADDR (‘’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: POLICY_CSRF_STRICTNESS (‘’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: DNS_CLUSTER_SYSTEM (‘hestia’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: DISABLE_IP_CHECK (‘no’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: APP_NAME (‘Hestia Control Panel’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: FROM_NAME (‘’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: FROM_EMAIL (‘’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: SUBJECT_EMAIL (‘{{subject}}’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: TITLE (‘{{page}} - {{hostname}} - {{appname}}’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: HIDE_DOCS (‘no’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: POLICY_SYNC_ERROR_DOCUMENTS (‘yes’ )
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: POLICY_SYNC_SKELETON (‘yes’)
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: POLICY_BACKUP_SUSPENDED_USERS ('no ')
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: DOMAINDIR_WRITABLE (‘no’)

is it normal? Prevouosly all installation was clean. It is first time for 1.8.11

Yes, it is.

Those messages are not warnings, just info about what the installer is doing.

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Instead of “Adding” them to installer we quickly run trough the update script for this part saves us a lot of double updating …

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