Web Terminal - Connection error

I just wanted to test the new web terminal but I get a “Connection error.” shown - the console says

WebSocket connection to 'wss://cp.mydomain.de:8083/_shell/' failed: webTerminal.js:18 

Any further todo to get this new web terminal working?

(also tried adding a new firewall rule for port 8085)

Update 1: Ok, I see under the services that “web-terminal” is red (not started) and I can’t click the edit icon or the start icon there, nothing happens.

Update 2: In the terminal/console the # v-restart-service hestia-web-terminal command worked without any error and now the service is also green in the hestia list of services :+1:

Service is on but there is no link to the terminal anywhere/ How do you access it

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A hestia user (not admin!) has to be logged in - then this user has a new “terminal” icon right next to the file manager icon (at the top).