After the update all my mail pages of all my domains stopped working, I have v1.9.1, phpmyadmin also stopped working but I solved it with the command chown -R root:www-data /etc/phpmyadmin/ but I don’t know how to solve the emails, I checked the mail folder and the emails are arriving… I don’t have Apache, I’m only using nginx.
Hi @AndresCuellar . I had very similar issue and was able to resolve it. Was a permission issue. For some reason during the upgrade of Hestiacp, a bunch of permissions (incorrect user assigned and wrong permission) got messed up. One was PHPmyadmin and exim4, which messed up webmail and emails from being received. I forgot exactly what file had the issue, but I will look at my server to see if can find it. My problem was also because the new hestiaweb user wasn’t setup correctly during the upgrade. I had to resolve that. Was causing tons of problems, lots of things broken.

See these screenshots. I had to change permissions of one or more other files too. To be honest, tons of stuff was broken on my server after the update. I will upload them to this thread if I remember other items I had to fix. Check your own server, it should probably match the permissions in the screenshots I’ve attached. After the update to 1.9, those files were assigned to root root, instead of in the screenshots, for example.
Luckily I had another server running HestiaCP and the same overall config, and for some reason the update to 1.9 was successful. I had to compare the non broken server to my broken one. That’s how I figured it out. I’m not great at Linux, so am thankful both servers didn’t break. I don’t think I’d have figured it out otherwise. No way.