Can someone please help me with the cron for auto updating LetsEncrypt certs?
I am on Ubuntu 22.04, any other info you need?
Can someone please help me with the cron for auto updating LetsEncrypt certs?
I am on Ubuntu 22.04, any other info you need?
You should have already a cron job to update Let’s Encrypt certificates:
crontab -l -u admin | grep letsencrypt
You will see something like this:
44 2 * * * sudo /usr/local/hestia/bin/v-update-letsencrypt-ssl
Thanks Sahsanu!
I had to
ubuntu@fr:~$ sudo crontab -l -u admin | grep letsencrypt
Yes you are right. I noticed this entry, slightly different as yours…
21 5 * * * sudo /usr/local/hestia/bin/v-update-letsencrypt-ssl
Oh… I found it in the cron jobs on the admin user also! Sorry and thanks for the help!
That is fine
We randomly generate the minute / hour mark to prevent LE servers to get DDOS due to updating Hestia at the same time …
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