Why is it so hard to change web domain name?

I need to change the web domain name of my current site because when I used v-change-domain-owner it moved the web files and DNS, but not the database.

How can I change the web domain, I am moving away from that other domain and require my site and forum on my new domain.

use v-change-database-owner to change over the database to the same owner you set when you changed over the domain.

@eris shouldn’t v-change-domain-owner change the database too? It feels more natural and leads to errors of people who don’t understand why web, email and dns change but databases not.

Database are not linked to an web domain…

v-change-database-owner does the trick

You are right. They are linked to an owner. We already talked about this. Sorry

Thanks for that!

Is there anyway to change the web domain itself?? Its greyed out.

the CLI commands under the documentation is the first place to look for these type of questions. use:



v-change-web-domain-name alice wonderland.com lookinglass.com yes

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