I notice that after the Hestia update, all my site disk usage increases. this site was around 26% of disk usage; now it’s all the way up to 68%. Is there something I have to delete after the update? it on all my websites running the latest Hestia version on a DigitalOcean droplet.
YES!!! something really strange has happened. There is now a directory in /srv/fail. It is a duplicate of the /home/… directory. It is not a symbolic link but if you delete any of it. the websites break. This need to be looked at urgently because I can’t figure out what’s happening here and can’t afford the room it’s taking up.
What might be happening is that your /backup folder already contains stored backup files.
In my case, in the previous version, I had disabled this option because I use rsync to manually back up the folders, making the backups generated by HestiaCP unnecessary. However, when I updated the panel, the backup option was automatically reactivated. If I hadn’t noticed it in time, my disk would have filled up quickly. To avoid this issue, I disabled the option again, and since then, I haven’t had any problems.
I think I said what is happening. The system has created a complete duplicate of all the /home/ directories into /srv/jail/
Something to do with chroot I believe but I have no idea how to fix it.
On further searching there are files in /etc/systemd/system to jail each of the domains: srv-jail-domain name.mount
I don’t have the time right now but I think the solution is to just remove those files and reload the deamon. I’m not sure how chroming the whole domain actually solves anything. When a user goes in and edits the domain it’s edited and chroot helps nothing. Space on servers is expensive. I can believe this was intertional. I thought chroot was designed to stop using dangerous commands.
This must have been done for testing.
You see an increase in disk space due to the way your hosting provider computes it, but you are not actually using more disk space. The directories in /srv/jail/user/home/user/ are bind mounts to /home/user/, similar to a symbolic link, so they do not take up additional space.
No, you shouldn’t delete anything. If you want to disable the jail, execute these commands as root:
It is actually using space. I can’t do backups anymore because the size of my domains has doubled. It wasn’t like this before the last update. My free space was 50gb now it’s just 10gb
I see what you mean, but why it still taking 14gb used? I just dont get why before the update was way less including the backups and now after the update a huge space got taken.
OOPS, wait a minute. It doesn’t add up correctly after all. I have to look further. It’s very odd that this happened right after the update. I’m confused at why the disk space went down so much. I’ll need to look further I guess.
The du command reads the directory data, it doesn’t know whether /srv/jail/ is a bind mount, it only sees a dir but the disk is not really using that space.
Yes, I realize that. It was when I initially added it up it seemed as though it was using space, but as I said, “OPPS, wait a minute, It doesn’t add up after all.”
I guess I’m in the same position as “Tuton”. The last update almost doubled the space used on my machine also. Was Jail new on this latest update. What changed that could have done this?