Enable to login to panel after v-restore

thanks @eris
as mentionned just above, i did NOT backup admin account
i’ve reinstalled hestia and set admin manually

-rw-r--r-- 1 admin eve    eve.2022-08-05_13-28-41.tar
root@hcp# v-restore-user eve eve.2022-08-05_13-28-41.tar

it’s clearly when i import a backup that the login goes loop

Then the passwords are store incorrect … You have changed the password hashing to some to a “worse” encryption that we don’t support…

v-change-user-password user new password should fix it. If not I have no idea…

the login page does not say ‘wrong password’
it says nothing, reloads itself and displays the login page again, with an empty field

clicking “forgotten password” does not send an email for renewing the pw

here is the scenario:

Capture d’écran 2022-08-11 à 17.23.27

Capture d’écran 2022-08-11 à 17.23.42

then the page reloads
and back to start:

Capture d’écran 2022-08-11 à 17.23.51

i’ve made a snapshot of the server after the fresh install
works fine
i’ve got 3 users

0/ admin - set manually

1/ paneluser - set manually - holds the hestia panel domain
2/ user1
3/ user2

i’ve tried
v-restore user1
login page blocked

rolled back to the snapshot
v-restore user2
login page blocked as well

looking at this file:

i’m not getting the email and message validating the correct ending of the command v-restore:

# Sending mail notification
subj="$user → restore has been completed"
cat $tmpdir/restore.log |$SENDMAIL -s "$subj" $email $notify

# Send notification to panel
$HESTIA/bin/v-add-user-notification "$user" "Backup restored successfully" "<b>Archive:</b> $backup"

in /usr/local/hestia/log/error.log
i get:

2022-08-09 02:34:40 v-add-web-domain  'hestia' 'domain.com' '' 'yes' '' 'jp>
2022-08-11 09:18:05 v-add-user-sftp-jail  'syslog' 'no' [Error 3]
2022-08-11 09:18:05 v-add-user-sftp-jail  'syslog' 'no' [Error 3]
2022-08-11 17:34:58 v-add-user-sftp-jail  'syslog' 'no' [Error 3]
2022-08-11 17:34:58 v-add-user-sftp-jail  'syslog' 'no' [Error 3]


This is not correct…

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thanks @eris
but what is it though?
i don’t know what to do from there

i’ve uploaded archives to restore
launched v-restore
from there i was expecting my websites to come back on line > ok
have access to my panel and continue work > fail

in this video, the success message in CLI is not displayed either

could it be somehow linked to php ?
php version ? php modules ?


i’ve rolled back my snapshot (ubuntu 20.04 hestia 166)
I can log in with admin

ran apt upgrade
hestia 1.6.7 is installed

and I can’t log in

please help needed!
i’ts 4 days i’m on this, i can’t find a way out
i’ve got 4 websites locked into those 2 archives
and we can’t work!
please help :pray:

i’ve reinstalled, ubuntu 22.04 and hestia with --multiphp
kept the panel subdomain in admin
i’ve created the users, uploaded the backup archives
changed the ownerships

and applied what @Raphael mentioned somewhere:
v-delete-user username
before running v-restore

so far it works :crossed_fingers::sweat_smile:

there hasn’t been any success message in CLI neither by email

That should not matter…

well, i assumed to, and hesitated to apply v-delete thinking it wouldn’t do much

what was different this time:

  • hestia 167
  • multiphp
  • v-delete

now i’m facing the ‘unknown error’ again

v-restore did not restore the root folders of the domains

do all php versions and php modules have to be installed and configured before restoring?

After enabling the 2Fa I can no longer enter the control panel and it does not give me the possibility to change the password. How can I change it?