How to set-up memcached, redis?

I used multiple PHP7.4 & PHP8.3.

I readed this article.
Web Templates and FastCGI/Proxy Cache | Hestia Control Panel (

apt install php-memcached php-redis
apt install php7.4-memcached php7.4-redis

And, HestiaCP Admin firewall rull added.

Accept, TCP, 11211,, memcached

Um…and so??
How can I use memcached?

Please let me know if there is anything wrong.

You need to install regis-server / memcached server as well…

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sudo apt install memcached

Is it Right?

Yes it should work


but I tried mostly every guide and last use chatgpt to installing redis, but at the end the result is zero…see

I could not installed redis for hestiaCP. Kindly help and provide a dedicated guide to install redis and memchached for hestiacp. thanks in advance…

Did you put an firewall rule for 6379??

Sir Thanks for your support,

But this issue has been solved for me. You can see this from here as under:

Dedicated Guide to Install Redis & Memcached for HestiaCP

Don’t know but I have not put any firewall rule manually.

Kindly describe it Sir, Your suggestions always welcome…

No … You don’t need t open the port … as It is al local

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