[Poll] Which components do you install?

We want to know, which component configuration do you install on your servers?

  • I just use the default settings
  • I don’t install Apache2
  • I don’t install incoming mail (dovecot)
  • I don’t install outgoing mail (exim)
  • I don’t install (or disable) webmail
  • I don’t install DNS (bind)
  • I don’t install Database (MariaDB)
  • I don’t install FTP (Vsftpd)
  • [Optional Component] I install ProFTPd
  • [Optional Component] I install MySQL 8
0 voters

Let us know your exact configuration and the reason for your choice in the comments.

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I am not a fan of clam av as it uses too much RAM.


True :slight_smile:

–apache yes
–phpfpm no
–multiphp no
–vsftpd no
–proftpd no
–named yes
–mariadb yes
–mysql8 no
–postgresql no
–exim yes
–dovecot yes
–sieve yes
–clamav yes
–spamassassin yes
–iptables yes
–fail2ban yes
–quota no
–api yes
–interactive yes
–force no

:laughing:–nginx yes, yes, yes!


default for me with multiphp, quota, and file manager (never had it working "unknown error)

Well :wink:
–apache yes
–phpfpm yes
–multiphp yes
–vsftpd no
–proftpd yes
–named yes
–mariadb yes
–mysql8 no
–postgresql yes
–exim yes
–dovecot yes
–sieve yes
–clamav yes
–spamassassin yes
–iptables yes
–fail2ban yes
–quota yes
–api yes
–interactive yes
–force no

Yes, clam wastes a lot of RAM. Also, computer viruses are dead as floppy disks (that used to spread viruses) are dead.

bash hst-install.sh --apache no --multiphp yes --vsftpd no --named no --dovecot no --clamav no --spamassassin no --interactive no --force

[config request] --nginx no

Not planned…

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yes, clamav takes a lot of ram but i think anti virus must be run at the end user level not server level.

  • Hestia Control Panel v1.8.11
  • Operating SystemDebian 12.5 (aarch64)
  • Load Average0.35
    bind9 208 MB
    clamav 1455 MB
    cron 0 MB
    dovecot 0 MB
    exim4 14 MB
    fail2ban 152 MB
    iptables 0 MB
    mariadb 679 MB
    nginx 29 MB
    php8.2-fpm 12 MB
    spamd 385 MB
    vsftpd 0 MB

What alternative anti-malware kit could be recommended here, or just use none?

In my opinion, it is Linux and none is really needed. Malware is mainly for Windows OS. and even then, Windows is still not secure.

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No Apache - Use Ngnix only.
No DNS - Use Cloudflare DNS
No Mail - Use external email using Zohomail.
No FTP - Not required

–apache no
–vsftpd no
–named no
–exim no
–dovecot no
–clamav no
–spamassassin no
–fail2ban no

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I use Hestia on 1 VPS (from 39 pieces) because want a client Nginx+Apache, on other 38 serves are flying OpenLiteSpeed servers. On Ultra-Heavy load Apache die in 1-2 min (130k-240k products in Woo with nonstop xml feed updating). I still can´t understand why not have Hestia a modern webserver in it…

Could you share some of your ‘best practices’ for running Apache AND Nginx? I’ve been running Nginx and phpfpm for about a decade it seems like. ServerMom.org used to benchmark for VestaCP, and I kinda fell in love with her stack.

I’ve never really had a NEED for Apache, but my next development machine is probably going to be apache/nginx without phpfpm.

Me either it preformce a lot better but your don’t have the possibility to use .htaccess

Based on my experience, I can say that ClamAV is absolutely useless. I have had more success in blocking intrusion attempts and tampered files using the Security module.