Hi All, Drupal 11 (which is the latest) requires php8.3, I used the command:
sed -i ‘/^\t"php-8.2",/a \t"php-8.3",’ /usr/local/hestia/web/edit/server/index.php
and made php8.3 the default version of the system, then I replaced both of “BaseSetup.php” and “DrupalSetup.php” (in Installers directory) in order to make the 8.3 option of php appear in drupal’s quick install options. However, I am stuck with this error now:
Error: Cli command not enabled
Use these commands as root and you will be able to install Drupal 11.
sed -Ei 's/supported" => \["8.1", "8.2"\],/supported" => \["8.3"\],/' /usr/local/hestia/web/src/app/WebApp/Installers/Drupal/DrupalSetup.php
sed -Ei '/php8.2'\'' -a /a \\t"$basecmd" != '\''php8.3'\'' -a \\' /usr/local/hestia/bin/v-run-cli-cmd
Note 1: PHP 8.3 must be installed on your server (v-add-web-php 8.3). Note 2: Dir /home/YourUser/web/YourDomain/public_html/ must be empty.
But now, I make changes to settings.php and they are not saving properly.
I’m gonna try to do it with putty instead of file manager
Yeah. Making changes via Putty worked just fine. I’ll try to do some more testing with the FileManager and see if I can make changes to OTHER sites, or if it’s just this one Drupal site I just made.