IPSet Error: Populating ipset table


when i want to add another list it shows me “Error: Populating ipset table”. I have already 8 lists.

Hi @radexspox

That’s because that list contains something that is not an IPv4, if you share the list we could check what’s going on.

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Edit: Before i tried to create a list with the names BunnyCDNv4, BunnyCDN, Bunnyv4. That names gave me the error in the title.

Then i have tried with random names which doesnt have similar name like the .txt and it worked. Now i used Bunny-CDNv4 and Bunny-CDNv6 as names and now the lists are added normally.

I tested it and I’ve no problems adding the list with a name like BunnyCDNv4

# v-add-firewall-ipset BunnyCDNv4 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vCoDMods/BunnyCDN-IPSet-List/refs/heads/main/bunny_ipv4.txt" v4 yes yes
# ipset list BunnyCDNv4 | head -n8
Name: BunnyCDNv4
Type: hash:net
Revision: 7
Header: family inet hashsize 1024 maxelem 1048576 bucketsize 12 initval 0xd9dd1c9d
Size in memory: 19176
References: 0
Number of entries: 467

I suppose you tried to add the list using this link https://github.com/vCoDMods/BunnyCDN-IPSet-List/blob/main/bunny_ipv4.txt instead of the raw version https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vCoDMods/BunnyCDN-IPSet-List/refs/heads/main/bunny_ipv4.txt and that is the reason for the errors, indeed I suppose you have several incomplete ipset tables (*-tmp).

Take a look to ipset tables:

ipset -t list

Note: I realized the repository has been removed right now so I wouldn’t use it.

no, i have used raw link of github as for the 8 other IP lists before and i have deleted the tables with sudo ipset list -n and ipset destroy. It only started to work with other name for me.

It´s my repository, just recreated it without useless commits.

Tried again with the non working name, and it isnt working.

Ok :wink:

Strange, I can’t reproduce the same behavior… I can reproduce it when trying to add the non raw version because Hestia creates an empty list with the name and anothe temp table with the name-tmp and then it says it can’t populate it but removing both tables; name and name-tmp and using the raw version, I’ve no problem to add it.

Tried again, i don´t know why this happens. Before i checked only the output.txt file of my script if it doesnt contain any extra stuff, added deleting for duplicated and dos2unix, nothing helped.
You see, the working one is there, the other one isnt added properly.

So, if you use these commands you have the same error?

sudo su -
ipset destroy BunnyCDNv4
ipset destroy BunnyCDNv4-tmp
v-add-firewall-ipset BunnyCDNv4 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vCoDMods/BunnyCDN-IPSet-List/refs/heads/main/bunny_ipv4.txt" v4 yes yes

With command it worked.

So now i deleted it normally in web panel and i can add it again without any problem in web panel.

Tried another name, just without v, error came back.

Sorry, I can’t reproduce it.

Maybe just different server configuration. I use Debian 12.8.

Me too.

I did same steps as before, adding directly with command worked, then deleted
BunnyCDN4 in web panel, then tried again in web panel and it works. It´s like sudo ipset list -n is not showing it when destroyed, but its still anywhere hidden and only web panel command deletes it correctly.

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I have the same problem (Error: Populating ipset table).
Also, ipset when is set to automatically update does not update automatically.

Hi @dlozev

You should provide more info, what is the list you are trying to add, how are you adding it, etc.?

I’m sorry. I’m stupid.

I thought that in general, sudo wasn’t NECESSARY on debian 12.8. I think that sudo is almost ALWAYS necessary on 12.9

I’m sure I’m misinformed somewhere along the line.
I just don’t know ‘what user you’re running stuff as’

I setup a new 12.9 machine, I think that it wouldn’t let me login as root (via password auth and ssh)

Yeah, I know about going into the what is it… sshd.conf and setting
something something root allow password.

I tried doing that on 12.9, I couldn’t get it working.

my 12.9 machine was on vultr, not PRIMARY_VPS_CO though :slight_smile: I haven’t tested the same thing at home

I must be confused. I just went and asked ChatGPT about this

Steps to enable root login via SSH:

Open the SSH config file:

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Find this line (or add it if missing):

PermitRootLogin yes

Restart the SSH service to apply changes:

sudo systemctl restart ssh

Sorry to detract from the conversation :slight_smile:

The exist ipset rule working, but I have changed one IP in the file.
As I already said - it does not update automatically.
Trying with cli to update:

root@xxxx:~# v-update-firewall-ipset
Error: Populating ipset table

How? Because if you did it from Windows maybe you added a wrong line feed.

Show the output of this command

cat -A /path/to/the/ipset/list/file/you/modified

Show the output of this command:


Problem solved.
It was my mistake. One line had wrong IP address format.

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